Last weekend we took a trip out to Kansas City to introduce Cade to his great grandmother and some other awesome family members. Of course going to Kansas City for the weekend meant getting on an airplane with Cade for the first time. I’ll admit that Trey and I were a tad nervous about being “that parent” with a screaming toddler on the plane, but Cade was awesome! We were well prepared with a lot of “new to Cade” snacks and play things. Cade ate so much on the flight out there, that Trey and I were cracking up. The little guy ate a snack cup of nilla wafers, and peanut butter and jelly sandwich, veggie straws, two packs of raisins, and of course biscoff cookies from delta.Needless to say, he didn’t eat dinner when we got there. We were even more impressed with the trip home considering it was right in the middle of his nap and of course he didn’t sleep. Sweet buddy kept saying “night night” and laying his head down only to pop right back up again.
He was very uncertain about the train ride in the airport.
Checking out the planes before we left
It wasn’t enough to feed himself. Feeding daddy provided with lots of entertainment as well!
Best seat on the plane – perfect view of all of the workers loading and unloading the luggage
Playing with painters tape – fun and easy to clean up 🙂
Finding rocks with cousin Ali
Lunch with grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins
Visit to great-grandma’s house. His favorite thing was the wheelbarrow
Lunch at firehouse with great-grandma
Fun at the park with Uncle Fun!
That’s the image of a very awesome Gigi 🙂
Cade got to meet his baby second counsin? (Trey’s cousin’s daughter), Emma. He was very interested in saying “baby baby” over and over again. Not so interested in Emma when she was actually around.
Uncle Fun got doughnuts, which of coruse was a huge hit!
Family shot with Grandpa Lyle and Shirley
Hanging with Gigi on the way back to the airport
Family picture on the flight home
Very excited about the biscoff cookie. Someone apparently taught him how to say cookie, which surprised Trey and I. He saw it and said “cook cook.” I think I’ve determined that he thinks all words should be one syllable and said at least two times 🙂
Sweet boy with his first delta wings!
We had a great trip and can’t wait to go back to Kansas City!