Oh my goodness. Christmas as a parent is so much fun! I really don’t think that we could have asked for a better day with Cade! It was so fun just to be together and intentionally spend time as a family. Here’s what our Christmas looked like –
We spent Christmas Eve morning with AJ and Amy. They made yummy brunch and we opened presents together. Since it was 70 degrees and raining like a monsoon outside, Cade sported some of his red summer wear 🙂
He promptly threw the clothing items on the floor and went for another present 🙂
Christmas Eve night, we went to Resonate for church. Trey played in the band and Cade was very enthusiastic about cheering for him after every song 🙂
Afterwards, we went to Waffle House for dinner. Cade REALLY loves Waffle House.
Christmas morning was SO FUN! We opened presents, ate breakfast, and played in the rain puddles. Here’s a video of Cade coming downstairs to find some new fun goodies.
Reading a new book with mommy
Coloring with new crayons with daddy
Cade’s airplane swing from Aunt AJ. One of these days she’s going to make something that she can’t top!
One of the highlights of the day – running through giant puddles in 70 degree weather. SO FUN!
The intense look of concentration. He was surprisingly into opening presents 🙂
Maybe my favorite picture from the day. “hello?”
Playing with his t-ball set from Aunt Lyndsey
We couldn’t have asked for a better day!
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