Summer 2015 week 5


Day 27 – The fan section of Home Depot might as well be Disney. The boy LOVES it.


Day 28 – Learning the art of matchbox cars with the big boys. They taught him to say the word car in less than 1 minute. Mind you, Mommy has been working on this for over a month.


Day 29 – What could be more fun than playing ball and sitting on a step?


Day 30 – Roadtrip to Greenville to meet the dynamic trio of Andrew, Archer, and Alden. Teaching them the ways of noise making and exersaucers.



Day 31 – Cade goes to the children’s museum with the boys. He had a blast! At the top of his list was the giant lite brite. Too cool.


Day 32 – Trip to King Daddys and Gigi’s house to celbrate belated Father’s Day. Riding with his Aunt Carrie and chasing his cousin, Ansley.IMG_4791

Day 33- Front porch rocking and cupcake eating for Ella’s 2nd birthday.

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