Day 62 – Just hanging in the pool with buddies
Day 63 – This day may have been a toss up. Bubbles at the library and watching Oma’s tourtise eat dinner. Good times.
Day 64 – Wishing Uncle Rob a happy birthday. No pants on a tractor = perfect
Day 65 – First trip to the zoo with Buddy Ryan! Huge success. All four legged animals are a dog, of course.
Day 66 – Trip to the mall with Ella. Lots of motorized rides made for a very happy boy.
Day 67 – This is how we have a yard sale. Playing with chalk with Aunt Amy
Day 68 – Sonic treat for some ice cream after lunch.
Day 69 – Mommy had big plans for the last day of summer, but we never left the house. When mommy is sick, we stay home and snuggle. AKA Cade gets to watch cartoons and mommy pretends he is willingly sitting with her 🙂
And this brings us to Cade’s first day of school – August 4, 2015. A very happy little boy and daddy before leaving for school
We had a GREAT summer and are very sad that it is over, but bring on the school year! We are pumped about all the fun we will have and all of the things that we will learn!
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