Summer 2015 Week 3


Day 13 –  You know, just hanging with buddies. Who needs clothes?


Day 14 – Gigi comes to play and brings Annie. Dogs are Cade’s favortie thing right now, so this was a perfect combination


Day 15 – More fun with Gigi! So thankful for great parents who love on Cade!


Day 16 – Cade discovers the most fantastic grocery cart on the planet. He said vroom vroom all through Kroger


Day 17 – Cade gets a library card. Don’t let the picture fool you, he was far more excited about sitting in the small chairs than the books


Day 18 – Cade “walks” Maddie.


Day 19 – “Helping.” We’ve been doing a little DIY kitchen remodel and ended up with a leak in the sink. Cade was VERY excited to help daddy fix the problem.

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