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Munchkin goes to the farm!




Looking back on my childhood I have tons of memories of time spent on the farm. Particularly during cotton season. One of my favorite things as a kid was to ride in the cotton wagon when it was full of cotton. We could have played for hours in there if dad had let us. Naturally, the farm is something that I want Cade to know and grow to love. Farm life is so far from the norm of living in Atlanta that I think it will bring something special to his childhood if he too is able to share in those memories.

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When my brother took over the family farm we sort of began this tradition where every year I go and take pictures of his cotton crop. It’s become a special thing that I get to do for him and a way for us to connect. It also is pretty funny, because every year for Christmas he gets a collage of his cotton crop from the fall. He is starting to run out of places to put them, so I may need to rethink the display of the pictures. Now this year in particular was crazy timing. The cotton was ready for only a time window of about two weeks, which of course fell during the time that I was in Arizona for a conference and over the weekend that we were moving. Nevertheless, Munchkin and I made the trip. Uncle Rob ended up being out of town when we were able to go, which was very sad. Particularly as I had a planned photo shoot of he and Cade. In Rob’s words, I “dressed Cade like him.” Yes, I did that on purpose. Flannel shirt and overalls. Overwhelming cuteness.


Cade and Grandma


The outtake – He was not a fan initially of sitting in the field


Mommy making it better with a little superman action





The first of many trips that Cade will take to the farm. Next time we will work on his first tractor ride!

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