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Florida Roadtrip!

Aunt AJ, Cade and I took a roadtrip to Florida to spend some time with Leeman and Suzy (Cade’s greatgrandparents). Cade did a great job in the car and we had a fantastic visit! Cade decided that showing off at Leeman’s office would be a great time to take his first steps – we caused quite the disruption.  Here are some pictures from our trip.


Little man’s roadtrip face…he doesn’t know what’s coming his way at this point!


Cade got to watch his first movie on the trip down – Happy Feet. While it didn’t keep his full attention, it certainly made the ride more enjoyable.


Looking at fish with Leeman while waiting on grandma at the airport




Cade LOVED the pool. He didn’t however love the float or his life jacket. He was much happier playing on the steps and getting in and out of the water over and over again.


And who doesn’t love to dump water in their face?


His prized posession from the trip – his very own remote from Leeman and Suzy. He carried it everywhere!



Checking out the ocean from the pier with grandma. He was very excited about the water.


Cade didn’t like the fluffy sand on the gulf coast, but he was a big fan of the water!


His first homeade chocolate chip cookie – he approves.



At the top of Cade’s list of favorite things from Leeman and Suzy’s – the cabinets. They have lots of cabinets in the kitchen and den and Cade had a ball opening, closing, and climbing inside.

  IMG_3406  IMG_3413

Leeman let Cade have a ball he found at his house and it provided lots of entertainment on the drive home. Yes, he put it on his head and just left it there.


And on the way home we got to see Aunt Lauren and Olive Sue!


A great trip with great people!





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