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And just like that, he’s 1

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Cade DeMoy Boden is 1 and this officially marks the quickest year of my life! Cade is such a blessing. Trey and I can not imagine our lives without him. This year has been filled with so many wonderful first moments as a family of three and we will cherish those memories forever.

Cade has grown into such a sweet little guy. He is inquisitive and wants to explore everything around him. If he is awake, he is moving and into everything. He has the best laugh and thinks that so many things are just hilarious. He loves to be outside, but hates the grass. Eating is an activity on the top of his list. He can wave, but only when he wants to – maybe a bit of mom’s stubborn personality coming out. He likes to “ride” on his tricycle, and thinks that balls are just the greatest thing ever. He is in no hurry to walk, but can fly across a room crawling. Cabinets, containers, and doors provide hours of entertainment. He’s a lover of blocks, cars, and people. Mommy is still his favorite, but he recognizes and loves lots of his family and friends.

At Cade’s one year checkup he weight 20 lbs 6 oz and was 28.5 inches tall. He’s catching up with his weight (30%), but is only in the 7% for height. Those Boden genes may be too strong! He has six teeth and is working really hard on #7. His hair has gotten long on top, but the sides are still struggling. He’s got one lone curl in the back, so we will see if he gets mommy’s curly hair.


My dissertation “helper.” Thanks Cade, I didn’t need those 100 pages in order 🙂


Helping mommy mail his birthday invitations


I’m not sure what this caption should say, but this picture is awesome.

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Learning to use a bowl. I love that I sent this picture to Aunt AJ with the caption “name that movie” and she immediately responded “Ralphie!” I’ve that’s lost on you, you should watch A Christmas Story.


Pointing is certainly one of his favorite skills

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And then there is this skill 🙂

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A boy and his dogs. No matter what we do, he insists on sitting with them.


Learning to brush his teeth

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Working on his farming roots – thanks, Debbie Cakes


Hanging with his buddies Preston and Hudson








Cade’s monthly photo recap –

Month 1

5Month 2

Month 3


Month 5


Month 7

Month 8


Month 10



To our sweet baby boy – We are so thankful to be your parents and can only imagine the joy you will continue to bring to our lives! We love you Cademan!

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