I told myself that I wasn’t going to do a lot for Cade’s first birthday. But I just couldn’t help myself. After all, he only turns 1 once….or maybe that should say I only have my first child have his first birthday once. In the midst of interviewing for a job and preparing for my dissertation defense I used Cade’s party as a great outlet for procrastination. And it was awesome! I’m glad I allowed myself to enjoy the planning and preparation for buddy’s big day.
The day truly was perfect. We had great weather and Cade was in a great mood. We spent the morning with family, had pancakes, and played outside. We got to celebrate with family and close friends who were so sweet to spend the afternoon with us. Cade was all about getting new toys and LOVED his cake. Seriously, he ate like 1/4 of it and cried when I took it away.
The decorations – Thank you pinterest for the ideas. Thank you Aunt Amy, Aunt AJ, Debbie Cakes, Gigi, and Oma for all of the crafting help and food prep!
A very happy birthday boy waiting on his pancakes!
Devouring some blueberry pancakes with daddy and Debbie Cakes
When we go to the grocery store, Cade always points to the balloons. So for his birthday, he got three and he loved them!
Morning birthday ride in his radio flyer – enjoying the beautiful weather!
Party time – I did a terrible job of taking pictures of all of the fun, but I managed to get a few. Here are some of my favorites.
Cade’s girlfriend, Ella, came to celebrate with him and this progression of pictures is too funny!
The kiss…
Okay, I’m done…you can leave now…
Maybe I’ll sneak another in while he’s not looking…
Seriously chick! Little man apparently doesn’t like an audience when he’s getting kisses.
The cake – To say that Cade liked his cake would be an understatement.
Happy Birthday Cademan!
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